Atatürk University


Hasan Yıldız, a businessman, director, and writer, assembled students from Atatürk University for a program during which he shared insights from his personal experiences. Following his presentation, Yıldız and the students issued a joint statement denouncing the Israeli atrocities in Gaza, stating, "We shall not remain silent in the face of heinous assaults being launched against Rafah."

Hasan Yıldız served as the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors for the ATO Congresium, convening with students from the Faculty of Communication at Erzurum Atatürk University for the concluding session of career and motivation programs entitled "Youth Are Our Future." The Career Route club's organized program was conducted in the Faculty of Communication Conference Hall. "Young people, be strong and resolute. Never abandon confidence and courage." Yıldız commenced his discourse by admonishing the youth, "Believe in yourself and proceed with confident strides." Subsequently, he recounted his personal experiences. "Continue to labor and contribute at all times. Negative thoughts and influences should be avoided. Be sincere, considerate, and affectionate. Interested individuals awaited Yıldız's speech, in which he stated, "Your path to success and happiness begins with you." In addition to promising internship opportunities for students, Yıldız concluded his address by inviting audience members to the stage and conveying a message that drew attention to the slaughter that had occurred in Gaza.

"Reactions that involve violence are an affront to human rights."

Yıldız issued a statement denouncing the atrocities committed in Gaza, the violence that met civil university student protests, and the assaults on Rafah. He urged the following: "At a time when Rafah is beset by child fatalities, the world continues to prosper, desiring to seal the final gate, leaving Gaza destitute and without hope. We should each elevate our voice. We shall not remain mute as a multitude of structures in close proximity to the Refah Border Gate are subjected to rocket assaults and heinous assaults are launched against Refah. We shall not maintain silence. The perpetrators desire for Gaza to continue to be lifeless and destitute. Conversely, a mute demon is one who maintains silence in the midst of oppression. We shall speak out in support of prosperity. Those who stood by and did nothing during this massacre are implicated in it. Violence is directed at university students who protest this barbarism in a peaceful manner. Protesters at numerous universities, including Yale, Columbia, New York University, and Harvard, are requesting that their institutions support calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and sever ties with Israeli-affiliated businesses. In response to the unwarranted repercussions of these demands, universities resort to distance learning in an effort to quell the unrest and apprehend the students. Academic freedoms and basic human rights have been violated by the violent reaction to this peaceful reply. We strongly denounce this predicament with profound sorrow."

"When the time comes, those responsible for this brutality will be held accountable."

Individuals who fail to recognize the gravity of the situation in Gaza and the policy of massacre pursued by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are complicit in the oppression that has occurred throughout human history, according to Yıldız. "Those who fail to fulfill their obligations to future generations will face legal action in the court of history." We advocate for peace and denounce acts of violence. Already, accountability must be established for the suffering in Gaza. There are assertions that the United States is among the principal actors responsible for the atrocities that are occurring on a global scale. It is asserted that the Joe Biden administration supports the genocide unequivocally, and those who remain mute are considered complicit in this atrocity. However, academic institutions worldwide, including universities in the United States, are speaking out against genocide and insisting that it cease. Teachers and pupils are subjected to violence by the United States and its allies, despite their efforts to promote democratic values. We expect the Biden and Netanyahu administrations to prosecute the collaborators implicated in the genocide. It is my conviction that universities are uniting in opposition to genocide, and that youth will ultimately put an end to it. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey is engaged in a significant struggle, and our support remains unwavering. Turkey will consistently support Palestine and Gaza, maintaining its stance against those responsible for genocide.

Yıldız expressed gratitude to the students of the Faculty of Communication, Atatürk University Rector Ömer Çomaklı, Dean Prof. Dr. Adem Yılmaz of the Faculty of Communication, Deputy Dean Elif Kücük Durur, and Yılmaz at the conclusion of the program.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – May 9, 2024
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