A message was issued by Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the rector of Atatürk University, to commemorate the 108th anniversary of the Kut'ül Amare Victory, a momentous military triumph in the illustrious annals of Turkish history. Rector Çomaklı incorporated the subsequent assertions into his discourse:
Even though over a century has passed, the name Kût'ül Amare continues to be associated with a momentous triumph that has not been relegated to the annals of history. It is considerably more than merely achieving victory in a conflict. The "greatest victory" of the First World War, second only to the Çanakkale Victory, Kût'ül Amare, which Halil Pasha remarked, "History will have difficulty finding words to write about this event," provides assurance that the Turkish Army will prevail despite the arduous circumstances.
We are commemorating the 106th anniversary of the historical event that taught the British troops a valuable lesson while they were endeavoring to penetrate the core of Mesopotamia: Salman's defeat at the hands of Turkish soldiers in Pak. In remembrance of this momentous triumph, which demonstrated irrespective of geographical location, our predecessors refused to cede their homeland to the adversary, we offer benevolence to our martyrs.
RECTOR: Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı