The students from Atatürk University, Private Foundation Schools leagued together with Rector Çomaklı before they visited Tefeyyüz Elementary School in Macedonia.
Before they took the road to Macedonia with the aim of the fact that they would both celebrate National Sovereignty and Children’s Day which Atatürk gave as a gift to the world children with Turkish brothers and sisters in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia and present the financial aid which they saved out of their pocket money, the students who visited Rector Çomaklı were accompanied by Doç.Dr. Selim Doğan who was charged as a herald of culture and education responsible for Balkan States.
Rector Çomaklı said that the students arranged an aid campaign so that Tefeyyüz Elementary School which was damaged during the earthquake in 2016 could be repaired and it was an example behavior celebrating them.
Rector Çomaklı pointed out Tefeyyüz Elementary School is an educational institution which provides training in Turkish and that belongs to the Ministry of Education in Skopje. He added that this school which inherited from Ottoman Empire must be maintained forever.