Atatürk University


Atatürk University maintains its customary Scientific Incentive Ceremonies, which are designed to recognize academicians who elevate the university's reputation through their scientific endeavors.

Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı presented the awards to faculty members who submitted applications in May for their research activities in 2024 as part of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project.

At the National Will Hall on July 15, Rector Çomaklı presented the awards to the academics who distinguished themselves with their publications, patents, and projects. He congratulated the academics for their research-based work and accomplishments and emphasized that Atatürk University should consistently lead the way with research that is worthy of its ancient past.

 "Our institution occupies a significant position in the realm of science."

Çomaklı, the Rector of Atatürk University, underscored the university's commitment to being at the forefront of projects, patents, publications, research and development, and social benefit activities, citing the university's significant position in the scientific community since its inception.

Reminding that they hosted the President of the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK), Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak, at Atatürk University during the week, Rector Çomaklı stated that they gave Kocabıçak information about the quality policies of the university and especially the 62 accredited programs.

Stating that Kocabıçak responded to Atatürk University's work with favor and praise, Rector Çomaklı said:  "I would like to express my pleasure that you have achieved our objective with your work and have elevated our university to new scientific heights." The motto "skill is subject to compliment" ensures that we never leave accomplishments unappreciated. We aimed to present the honors to our faculty members who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to the program we organized today. We persist in our efforts to publish scientific articles, a highly competitive field. However, we must expand our portfolio and diversify our work. We will continue to fulfill our obligations as the university administration at this time, as we have done thus far. "I thank you for representing our university with works that will have a say in the national and international arena, and I wish you continued success."

At the conclusion of the Scientific Incentive Ceremony, a commemorative photograph was taken.

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