Atatürk University


Rector Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu of Atatürk University was visited by AK Party Erzurum Deputy Fatma Öncü and Women's Branch head Beyza Saltuklu Özdemir, who extended their warmest regards. At the rector's office, the visit included a discussion of potential strategies for enhancing university-city cooperation and leveraging Erzurum's educational potential.
rector Hacımüftüoğlu furnished Deputy Öncü with comprehensive information regarding Atatürk University's recent accomplishments and planned future initiatives during the visit. He underscored that the university's services to society are expanding and will continue to expand in addition to its academic and scientific advancements.

According to MP Öncü, the future of Erzurum is contingent upon the efforts made to educate the youth.

MP Fatma Öncü declared that they are cognizant of the significance of Atatürk University for Erzurum and the region and are prepared to offer the university any assistance necessary for its growth. Öncü emphasized the critical significance of the future of Erzurum in the efforts to be made, particularly in the area of education for young people.

MP Öncü underscored that the collaboration between the university and the city will significantly contribute to the economic and social advancement of Erzurum. "Atatürk University, which holds significant value for Erzurum, will continue to be of service to its country, as it has been for the past 67 years, through the education of hundreds of thousands of graduates and the research it has conducted." I am confident that Atatürk University, the shining star of the East, will accomplish substantial success in the new process. She expressed her hopes for the success of the entire university family, with a special mention for Rector Hacımüftüoğlu, who I am confident will further elevate the flag he has assumed.

According to Rector Hacımüftüoğlu, these and similar visits are crucial for the enhancement of the culture of cooperation. He also stated that they will collaborate with all university units to convert the information into value and will act with common sense to promote the growth of Erzurum and Atatürk University.

The meeting concluded with the exchange of ideas regarding the university's contributions to the region, the upcoming academic term, and the projects that are slated for implementation.

26.08.2024 - Corporate Communications Directorate

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