Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, the Rector of Atatürk University, issued a message in honor of the fortunate Miraç Kandili. The following phrases were employed by Rector Hacımüftüoğlu in his message:
❝ We are currently experiencing the tranquility and joy of reaching the Miraç Kandili, a place where the bonds of love and brotherhood are fortified, spiritual values are bolstered, and abounding blessings and abundance are present.
This blessed night, which serves as a reminder of the wise voyage of our Great Prophet Hz. Muhammad (s.a), is a significant spiritual climate for the Islamic world, characterizing the most beautiful expressions of love, tolerance, unity, and togetherness. Kandils provide significant opportunities for us to strengthen our bonds of friendship and brotherhood, atone for our past transgressions, and fill our souls with goodness.
Inspired by the spiritual atmosphere of the Miraç Kandili, we should relinquish our conflicts and resentments and instead infuse our hearts with love and tolerance. I congratulate the Miraç Kandil of the entire Islamic world, particularly our country, with these sentiments and thoughts. I pray to God that this blessed night will bring peace, health, and pleasure to humanity.❞
Professor Dr. Ahmet HACIMÜFTÜOĞLU Rector