Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı released a message on the occasion of the Newroz Festival. Rector Çomaklı used the following statements in his message:

"Newroz is a special day that adds a new meaning to the day and a holiday to spring. It is the day of resurrection when night and day are of equal lenght, and the nature awakens, with trees and soil turning green, and with flowers blooming.

It is a day to be full of hope once more and all along, and to leave behind the burdens and the freezing cold of the dark winter at a time of persistent wars, epidemics and quarantines.

This solstice, which is greeted with enthusiasm by many other nations as well as Turks, is also a representation of oral culture, social memory, traditional life and common heritage. It is a beautiful tradition that has been celebrated for centuries and has not lost its meaning even though its rituals have changed.

Cultural unity is one of the most important values that hold societies together. I congratulate Newroz, which is adorned with the  beautiful meanings of the joy of a spring holiday, abundance and hope of a new day."

Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇOMAKLI
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