Atatürk University


An ongoing component of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, Scientific Incentive Ceremonies continue to be organized by Atatürk University in recognition of scholars whose scientific research has earned them recognition in the national and international scientific community.

The aforementioned faculty members, who submitted their research proposals to Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı in April, were bestowed with the awards.

In the Cultural Center 15 July National Will Hall, Rector Çomaklı bestowed accolades upon the scholars who distinguished themselves through their publications, patents, projects, and companies. He extended his congratulations to the academics for their endeavors and accomplishments grounded in research.

Rector Çomaklı underscored the importance of Atatürk University remaining at the forefront of research deserving of the Research University designation. He further emphasized that all staff members who generate work, contribute to national progress, and remain operational are consistently supported.

According to Rector Çomaklı, significant collaborations were established during their recent visit to Azerbaijan. Specifically, they inked protocols for the university's internationalization mission that are both novel and extremely valuable.

"We, in the Management, extend unwavering assistance to all our members who aspire to make scientific contributions to the world."

Rector Çomaklı made the following remarks: "In the aftermath of the 7th General Assembly Meeting of the Turkish Universities Association (TÜRKÜNİB, at which Atatürk University is a founding member institution, cooperation protocols were established between our institution and universities in Azerbaijan, encompassing collaborative research endeavors. By collaborating with universities in the Turkic world, where significant scientific research is conducted, our university's members and the academicians deserving of awards today can effortlessly conduct research and publish joint publications with these universities. We have a complete understanding of this matter. As long as we desire and exert effort, the administration will provide unending support to all university members who wish to make scientific contributions. "We will grow by coming together and combining our forces for the development and growth of our country."

The Scientific Incentive Ceremony concluded with the taking of a memento photograph.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – May 24, 2024
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