Atatürk University


In collaboration with the AFAD Directorate, students of the Department of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management of the Faculty of Applied Sciences were instructed on how to respond to a potential earthquake.

Six days of theoretical and practical instruction were provided to students of the Emergency Aid and Disaster Management Department through a program organized by Atatürk University and the Erzurum AFAD Directorate.

"Thirty Students Acquired Disaster Response Skills," as per Dean Kaya.

According to Prof. Dr. Muhammet Dursun Kaya, the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Atatürk University, the purpose of organizing this event was to give students the practical experience they had acquired in addition to the theoretical knowledge they received at their institution. Thirty students from the department were instructed by AFAD instructors in the areas of voice search, debris entry and exit techniques, and urban search and rescue. He emphasized the acquisition of abilities in dog search and injured evacuation.

Kaya stated, with an emphasis on the training's effectiveness in imparting knowledge and skills to students regarding detritus response and life-saving during disaster situations, "We maintain our collaboration to ensure that our students are not only well-informed but also "regular." We are attempting to prepare our students for life in this context by providing them with six days of practical instruction. The earthquake that occurred in Turkey on February 6th revealed significant deficiencies in the country's search and rescue forces. "Therefore, we want our students who will graduate from here to graduate as students who have received practical training in line with AFAD's needs and are trained as full experts in this field," said the administrator.

Manager Andiç: "Our nation will realize tremendous gains."

According to Provincial Disaster and Emergency Search and Rescue Unit Manager Mehmet Rıza Andiç, AFAD conducts training in the areas of secure entry, injured extraction, and debris exit.

Andiç stated that training has expanded significantly, particularly since February 6, and added, "Public institutions and NGOs are consistently submitting these requests." Having individuals who intend to pursue these professions under our guidance would be highly advantageous. There will be substantial benefits for our nation as well as for them." "The experiences gained by these students will be particularly valuable as they embark on their professional careers." The exercises they perform and the training they receive here will be crucial throughout their careers. He stated, "This will strengthen our position with regard to search and rescue."

"Our Students Are Furthermore Preparing Themselves for the Professions," said Prof. Dr. Rector Çomaklı.

Regent of Atatürk University Prf. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı lamented that despite the earthquake-prone nature of Turkey's topography, it is critical to be ready for potential catastrophes. He added that the Emergency Aid and Disaster Management Department of the Faculty of Applied Sciences students receive a critical education in this regard. Rector Çomaklı asserted that through the collaborative drill with AFAD, pupils were afforded the opportunity to directly experience the rigors of an earthquake environment. "By means of touching and utilizing both the debris environment and the tools employed in search and rescue operations, our students prepare themselves for their future careers." One critical factor in crisis situations is the possession of cold-bloodedness. "As Atatürk University, we continue to provide education and raise students in line with this vision."

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