Atatürk University


The 27th Marketing Congress, which was concluded with a high level of participation, was organised by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Atatürk University.

 'Artificial Intelligence in Marketing' was selected as the primary topic for this year's congress, whose objective is to advance marketing science internationally and domestically. As in every other field today, the congress underscored the exponential growth of digital and technological advancements' influence in the marketing domain. Consequently, effectively catering to consumer demands and needs necessitates a departure from conventional marketing approaches and a novel strategy.

 Conducted with considerable turnout from 30 May to 1 June 2024, the congress convened an abundance of distinguished individuals from business and academic spheres to engage in an exhaustive discussion on the implications of artificial intelligence technologies for marketing strategies.

 Utilising Artificial Intelligence Will Facilitate Crucial Actions

 During his opening remarks at the congress, Deputy Governor Çelik expressed delight at the opportunity to host such an influential organisation in our city and at the prospect of discussing a critical matter such as "Artificial Intelligence," the congress's designated main theme for this year, which is already having an immediate and pervasive impact on every field.

 Deputy Governor Çelik employed the subsequent phrases in his discourse: "By bringing together esteemed academics and students, who serve as the most powerful advocates of progress, and gaining an understanding of the matters that underpin this congress—where extremely valuable information will be disseminated—and carrying out our obligations; this will enable us to undertake critical strides in the realm of artificial intelligence that safeguard the future of our nation." Collectively, we can augment the accomplishments of our nation by adhering to the swiftly expanding digital and technological developments that are evident in the realm of marketing, as they are in all other domains.

 The advancements presented by artificial intelligence in the domain of marketing were emphasised by the Congress.

 The Chairman of the Organising Committee, Prof. Dr. Şükrü Yapraklı, conveyed his contentment regarding the hosting of this esteemed occasion by Atatürk University. He emphasised the potential for advancements and prospects presented by artificial intelligence within the domain of marketing. Highlighting the immense potential of such technological advancements for developing cities like Erzurum, Yapraklı stated that the three-day event deliberated on crucial subjects within the field, concentrating on challenges and potential resolutions. Furthermore, he described the congress as exceedingly fruitful. In closing his assessment, Prof. Dr. Yapraklı expressed gratitude to all attendees, including the rector of Atatürk University, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, for their enthusiastic engagement and support. He expressed the desire that they could all meet again at the subsequent congress.

 The congress showcased a diverse array of topics, featuring distinguished scholars, researchers, and industry experts from Turkey and around the globe. Numerous seminars and presentations were devoted to the utilisation of artificial intelligence in marketing strategies.

 Directorate of Corporate Communications, June 3, 2024

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