Atatürk University


The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Application and Research Center, which was established at Atatürk University as part of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, continues its operations with the intention of making a greater contribution to societal psychological requirements.

It was founded in accordance with the New Generation University Vision.

The center, established by the Council of Higher Education at Atatürk University and published in Official Gazette No. 30195 in 2017, has been meticulously planned by a group of specialists to safeguard the mental and physical well-being of faculty, staff, and students. During their leisure time, they are encouraged to engage in activities that align with their areas of interest, work, rest, and accommodation, as well as to foster the development of new passions. It persists in its endeavors to furnish individuals with services that facilitate the cultivation of their talents and personalities, enhance their social and health circumstances, and grant them prospects for advancement in their respective fields.

"It assists pupils in managing the challenges that may arise."

In light of the growing demand for psychological support among individuals, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı began his address by underscoring the critical nature of establishing such a facility at our institution: "By inaugurating our Psychological Counseling and Guidance Application and Research Center, we strive to enhance the psychological well-being of our students and foster a brighter, healthier future." We are intent on constructing. The objective of our university is to cultivate in students a sense of personal responsibility for their mental and physical well-being, as well as to instill in them the value of maintaining consistent and disciplined routines of study, relaxation, and enjoyment. "It is a psychological service unit that assists students in managing the emotional, social, and academic challenges they may face in their lifetimes and assists them in reaching their full potential," he further elaborated.

Rector Çomaklı: "The significance of preemptively addressing issues is well recognized."

Rectors Çomaklı and Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail Ay, the center's director and provider of psychological counseling services, noted that the center is also a significant application center for part-time students: "Our provision of psychological counseling and services is facilitated through collaborations with public and private institutions and organizations," emphasized the center. In consideration of the significance of preemptive problem-solving, our center offers psychological counseling support pertaining to mental health issues, in addition to conducting group studies, psycho-education, and preventive intervention services. This is in addition to a range of training and consulting initiatives conducted in the field of guidance. "I hope that this unit, which we have implemented within the framework of our New Generation University vision, will be beneficial and I wish our colleagues success."

The former Faculty of Letters building houses the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Application and Research Center, an establishment that operates under an appointment system and provides immediate responses to inquiries. To obtain comprehensive information:

A PDF of the study is available at

Directorate of Corporate Communications – 02.01.2024
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