Atatürk University


Atatürk University Faculty of Pharmacy, which is the 8th faculty that received full 6-year accreditation from the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Pharmacy Education Programs (ECZAKDER), accelerated its efforts to repeat the accreditation process that will end in the new year.

In order to prepare the Self-Evaluation Report of the Faculty of Pharmacy,  the Faculty of Pharmacy set up the Faculty Self-Evaluation Commission (FÖDEK) under the chairmanship of Graduate and Undergraduate Education Coordinator Prof. Dr. Bilal Yılmaz, preparing the Self-Evaluation Report and presenting it to the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Pharmacy Education Programs after the approval of the Faculty of Pharmacy Administrative Board.

The Faculty of Pharmacy Accreditation Evaluation and Monitoring Visit Team evaluated the Faculty of Pharmacy between 12-15 December 2021, and a total of 20 standards and 100 sub-criteria were conducted under the headings such as Evaluation Processes, Institutional Goals and Targets, Educational Goals and Targets, Performance Evaluation.

The Evaluation and Monitoring Visit Team held online meetings with the dean, vice deans, faculty board and administrative board members, FÖDEK members, internship commission members, faculty members and students. Finally, they met with Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı.

At the meeting “Exit Declaration” was presented to Ömer Çomaklı orally, which was held online with the participation of the Dean and his assistants and FÖDEK members, the Head of the Evaluation and Monitoring Visit Team and its members.

Rector Çomaklı: “I wholeheartedly believe that the accreditation process will be renewed”

Stating that they have a faculty that provides education at international standards, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı emphasized that the whole world has observed once again how important the health sector is after the Covid-19 epidemic and that the importance of drugs in the fight against this epidemic has come to the fore even more and that Atatürk University Faculty of Pharmacy has been serving the country's higher education for years as an education center that trains conscious individuals by expert academics and develops projects that will serve humanity with its well-equipped infrastructure. I sincerely believe that our faculty, whose education quality has been registered, will be accredited in the new term, and I would like to thank everyone who followed this process and put in effort.”

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