Atatürk University


While in Azerbaijan for the 7th General Assembly Meeting of the Union of Turkic Universities (TÜRKUNIB) in Baku, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı conducted cooperation meetings at Baku State University, Azerbaijan State University of Economics, and Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction Universities.

After the programme concluded, Rector Çomaklı, who represented the Organisation of Turkic States at the 7th General Assembly Meeting of TÜRKÜNİB with the objective of fostering a culture of collaboration among higher education institutions in Turkic states and promoting unity and solidarity, paid a visit to universities in Azerbaijan. During his visit, he signed a cooperation protocol and engaged in discussions with his counterparts regarding the enhancement of the academic connection between Atatürk University and Azerbaijan.

In assessing the meetings associated with the visit to Azerbaijan, Rector Çomaklı stated that both TÜRKÜNİB and the subsequent academic gatherings were highly fruitful. He stated as follows: "During our recent visit to Azerbaijan, we convened with several universities from the country and entered into significant cooperation protocols. The principal objectives of these cooperation protocols are to facilitate collaborative publications and projects, coordinate student and faculty exchange programmes, and conduct joint research in academic and scientific domains. Our objective for this occasion is to enhance the scientific and academic connections between the two nations.

"Collaborations and meetings provide the platform to reinforce the bond of brotherhood."

Rector Çomaklı asserted that the historical and cultural connections between Turkey and Azerbaijan are founded upon a deeply rooted tradition. He stated, "Our shared history, language, culture, and values serve to fortify the fraternal bonds that unite these two countries." With the principle of "one nation, two states" in mind, our objective is to advance these robust connections in the domains of education and science. We express our gratitude to all our Azerbaijani compatriots and associates for their warm reception and genuine curiosity regarding Azerbaijan. Furthermore, these collaborative efforts not only enhance the standing of our institution on the global stage but also present novel prospects for our faculty and students.

"Cultural and historical unity heightens our responsibility."

Rector Çomaklı reaffirmed that Atatürk University is consistently prepared to contribute to the advancement of science and knowledge through collaborative endeavours, wherein it can share expertise and contribute to knowledge. "I wish to reiterate my conviction that the robust partnership we have forged with universities in Azerbaijan will yield numerous triumphs in the coming years." The historical and cultural convergence of Azerbaijan and Turkey necessitates our collective obligation to collaborate and provide mutual assistance across all domains. With this in mind, I am certain that our scholarly collaboration will yield advantageous outcomes for both nations. In conclusion, I would like to extend my gratitude to all individuals and institutions that assisted in the execution of this visit and collaboration. I trust that the decisions made and the discussions conducted will prove to be advantageous.

Another visit to the Turkish Trademark and Patent Office...

Following his visit to Azerbaijan, the rector of Ataturk University, Professor Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, returned to Turkey and engaged in a meeting with the President of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, Professor Dr. Muhammed Zeki Durak. In reference to the endeavours conducted as part of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, which was inaugurated by Atatürk University in 2018, Rector Çomaklı declared that the institution has achieved groundbreaking progress, which has consequently propelled it to the highest level of the patent rankings. Çomaklı emphasised that the 140 patent applications submitted during the academic year 2023 were of an international nature (43 national and 97 national). He further stated that this accomplishment was the direct consequence of diligent study and expressed gratitude to Mayor Durak for his gracious hospitality and assistance.

Proudly stating that Atatürk University is a national and regional asset that contributes significantly to higher education, President Prof. Dr. Muhammed Zeki Durak stated that the university's accomplishments are monitored closely and that the community is pleased with its development. Appreciating the significance attributed to the substantial number of patents and patent applications pertaining to research and development, social impact, and knowledge-to-value transformation innovation, he extended his congratulations to the entire university community, led by Rector Çomaklı, on Atatürk University's exceptional performance in this regard.

May 22, 2024, Directorate of Corporate Communications
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