Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı attended the 7th General Assembly Meeting of the Union of Turkic Universities (TÜRKÜNİB) held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

At the 7th General Assembly Meeting of TURKUNIB, which was held within the scope of the Organisation of Turkic States, which offers important opportunities in terms of developing and deepening cooperation in the field of higher education, the road map to be followed in the future by universities that have gained full membership rights and member candidate universities was discussed.

The meeting hosted by Prof. Dr. Adalet Muradov, President of TURKUNIB and Rector of Azerbaijan University of Economics (UNEC), was attended by university rectors and academicians from the member countries of the Organisation of Turkic States. Rector Muradov, in his statement to the press members, stated that they prepared the road map of the organisation in the 2 years they served as the term president of TURKUNIB. Muradov stated that at today's meeting, they accepted 60 new members to TURKUNIB and the number of members reached 109.

As a community of countries with a common history, language and cultural heritage, the Turkic world aims to take strong steps into the future by ensuring unity in the field of education. In this context, platforms such as the Union of Turkic Universities offer important opportunities for increasing cooperation in education and realising joint projects. While the unity of education opens the doors to the young people of the Turkic world to receive education at international standards, it also contributes to the strengthening of cultural ties. Student and faculty exchange programmes, joint research projects and cultural events reinforce academic cooperation between countries.

 ‘The Potential of the Turkic World in the Field of Science and Technology should be Revealed’

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı emphasised that the meeting, which is organised every year in order to strengthen the ties of brotherhood, solidarity and cooperation between the member states of the Turkic Council and hosted by the sister country Azerbaijan this year, is very important in terms of strengthening unity and solidarity, and said that they had a general assembly where both academic cooperation and cultural interaction with TURKUNIB member universities were intense.

Rector Çomaklı: ‘It is of great importance for our universities to act together for the future of the Turkic world. Our cooperation in the field of science and technology will not only increase our academic achievements, but also strengthen our cultural ties. This unity is of great importance not only for individual academic achievements but also for social development and sustainable development. Unlocking the potential of the Turkic world in the field of science and technology and utilising this potential effectively can only be possible through a strong educational network. For this purpose, information and experience sharing is provided among member universities, joint seminars and conferences are organised and innovation-oriented projects are developed.’

‘Having a Common Education Vision as the Turkic World will make us stronger’

Stating that the last meeting of the Union of Turkic Universities was one of the important steps taken towards achieving these goals, Rector Çomaklı said: ‘At the meeting, various strategies were discussed to increase the quality of education, support research and development activities and protect cultural heritage and transfer it to future generations. Having a common educational vision as the Turkic world will make us stronger in the future. Cooperation between our universities will accelerate our development not only in the academic field but also in economic and social fields. Educational unity for the Turkic world plays a fundamental role in the construction of a common future. Thanks to this unity, we contribute to the development of our young generations as individuals who can compete on a global scale by providing them with a better education. These strong steps taken in education will continue to shape the bright future of the Turkic world. With these thoughts, I would like to thank the brotherly country Azerbaijan for hosting us and wish that the decisions taken at the 7th General Assembly will be beneficial.’

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