Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı visits Derya Charity for Welfare and Improvement and Ebu Ishak Foundation and meets up with the heads of those charities and foundations.
Rector Çomaklı usually spends his weekends on visits to non-governmental organisations (NGOs), unions and foundation. At the last weekend, he was given a warm welcome by Derya Charity and Ebu Ishak Foundation
Derya Charity Head Ensar Koylu and Ebu Ishak Foundation Head Raci Solmaz state that such activities are important for advertising and development of the city, expressing their gratitude for Rector Çomaklı's visit. Koylu and Solmaz thank to Rector Çomaklı for his personal efforts on education and culture, stating that they pay close interest in project activities of Atatürk University.
During the visit, Rector Çomaklı gave an outline of Atatürk University and mentioned his goals. He also consigned some international students to these two organisations as part of their cooperation, stating that the cooperation between University and NGOs is of paramount importance for them.
"On the way to incept the idea of New Generation University into minds, we can have success through cooperation with NGOs, foundations, business world and charities," said Çomaklı " It should be our first priority to introduce the ancient culture of Erzurum to guest students far from their homelands."
Çomaklı also told that " we consign a certain number of these students to Derya Charity and Ebu Ishak Foundation to introduce our culture and get to know our city and country and to show Turkish people's character of hospitality. I thank the heads and personnel of the charities and the foundations, which I am sure they take care of these students as if they were their own."