Atatürk University


Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the President of Atatürk University, paid a visit to Güneş Foundation. The President Çomaklı who pays visits to foundations, associations and non-governmental organizations within the framework of 'University-Society Meeting' mission came together with Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, the chair of Güneş Foundation and the board.
Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the President of Atatürk University articulated that he closely follows the efforts of Güneş Foundation that helps to raise the young, familiar with our history, grown up together with the nation and values, accepting that the unity of our homeland is an unquestionable matter and added " The visits to encourage research in scientific, technical and social fields; organize and monitor national and international seminars, panels, symposiums, conferences, congress and many others, establish expertise commissions and research institutions for common projects as a result of University-Society Meeting shall add value to our university. I would like to congratulate Güneş foundation on operating to create useful projects for our country by following technical services and technological advances in order to enrich the links between Turkish World and Turkey and ensure the improvement in social, cultural and professional fields. I would like to extend my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, the chair of Güneş Foundation and the board for conducting the activities in accordance with these goals and hope their success will continue".
Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, the chair of Güneş Foundation, suggested that the negotiations and meetings conducted by Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the President of Atatürk University contributes to cooperation between instutions and orhganizations and these meetings for common sense are important to our province and region. The step taken by the President Çomaklı leads to the opening of the door of the university to every segment of society and enables all people to enter into the university through these doors. The chair also added "Güneş Foundation has already started to yield benefits, our motto 'The sun rises in the east' is accepted by Turkish World and our foundation has become one of the parts in Turkish World Platform. He finished his speech by saying that " the purpose of this foundation is to make Erzurum a cultural center of Turkish World and I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the President of Atatürk University, for his support on behalf of myself and the board".


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