Atatürk University


Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the Rector of Atatürk University, conducted a significant mission to Iraq to fortify academic relations and enhance inter-university collaboration. Many academic cooperation protocols were signed during the visit, and the scientific and cultural ties between the two countries were further fortified.

Rector Çomaklı conferred with the administrators of Anbar, Al-Turath, Samarra, Tikrit, Al-Nahrain, Northern Technical, Al-Hadba'a, Al-Kitab, Salahaddin, and Kirkuk Universities during the visit. He returned home with a total of 10 agreements.

Iraqi students will be able to study at Atatürk University as part of student exchange programmes, and Atatürk University students will be able to participate in education and research activities at universities in Iraq as a result of the cooperation protocols that were signed during the visit. These protocols will fortify the academic and cultural connections between the two nations and offer students international experiences.

Rector Çomaklı convened a meeting with the following individuals: Anıl Bora İnan, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Baghdad, Aydın Maruf, Iraqi Minister Responsible for Ethnic and Religious Formations and Member of the Executive Board of the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC), Heytem Haşim Muhtaroğlu, 1st Vice President of the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC), Hişam Bayraktar, Vice President, Dr. Murat Saib, President of the Union of Iraqi Turkmen Academics, and Murat İmadeddin Türkmen, President of the Turkmeneli Students and Youth Union.

During his meetings with the university administrators he encountered during his university visits, he stated that they had signed cooperation protocols on topics such as joint academic projects, student and faculty exchange programmes, and the organisation of joint seminars and conferences. He further stated that "cooperation with Iraq's well-established educational institutions will be a great gain for both our university and the academia of both countries."

Rector Çomaklı: "The Agreements Will Contribute to Joint Research Opportunities"

Following the contacts in Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Çomaklı and the delegation he accompanied visited Kirkuk and Erbil. Kirkuk University and Salahaddin University reached an agreement to collaborate on initiatives, particularly in the areas of engineering, medicine, and social sciences. Rector Çomaklı stated, "The academic richness and diversity of Iraq will be enhanced through collaboration with universities in all regions." These visits will significantly enhance the field of science by fostering the exchange of information and the development of collaborative research opportunities.

During his meetings with university administrators, Rector Çomaklı underscored the importance of increasing cooperation between the two countries in the field of education and providing mutual academic support.

Rector Çomaklı stated in his post-visit evaluation, "This academic visit to Iraq is a significant step in the development of the scientific and cultural connections between the two countries." New horizons will be opened for our students and academicians as a result of the signed cooperation protocols, and our contributions to the field of science will continue to grow through joint initiatives and research. I believe that this visit will be crucial in the further development of academic relations between the two countries.

According to Rector Çomaklı, this visit, which was conducted in accordance with the internationalisation vision of Atatürk University, not only enhanced the university's global recognition but also enabled international academic collaboration. He expressed gratitude to the Iraqi delegation for hosting them and for their keen interest in this matter, and hoped that the collaboration would be advantageous.

Iraqi university officials emphasised the importance of signing cooperation protocols with Atatürk University, which has a 67-year history, cultural heritage, and academic accumulation, and holds a significant position among the world's universities. They are confident that this visit will further enhance academic relations between the two countries.

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