Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı came together with foreign students studying at the university on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

In addition to Rector Çomaklı, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sözbilir, Director of Atatürk University Turkish Language Teaching Application and Research Centre (ATATÖMER) Prof. Dr. Bahadır Gücüyeter, UDEF 7th Regional President Ergün Halis and Erzurum International Student Association President Ertan Aksakal and students from 95 countries who came to study at Atatürk University attended the Eid al-Fitr Eid celebration programme held at Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Müceldili Mansion.

President Aksakal said: ‘Such Programmes Strengthen Unity’

Erzurum International Student Association President Ertan Aksakal, who made the opening speech of the programme, thanked Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı for organising such a beautiful and meaningful organisation to celebrate Eid with foreign students studying at Atatürk University and stated that such programmes strengthen unity, develop a sense of belonging and establish an emotional bond. Emphasising that nearly 10 thousand students from 95 countries are studying at Atatürk University today, Aksakal stated that they attach great importance to this unity in terms of both the cultural enrichment of Erzurum and Turkey's establishing ties with every country through students and that the relations will continue to get stronger.

Rector Çomaklı: ‘May this holiday be the occasion for the end of oppression’

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, who started his speech by drawing attention to the human tragedy in Palestine and emphasising that all the states of the world should react to the genocide committed by Israel, stated that it is their greatest wish that the persecutions in Yemen, Kashmir, Arakan, East Turkistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and many other oppressed lands will end on the occasion of this holiday. Rector Çomaklı stated that as a university, they are always with the geography of the heart with both scientific studies and aid organisations and said that the most important of these is the heart bridge established with foreign students studying at the university.

‘You will represent us all over the world as cultural ambassadors of Turkey’

Rector Çomaklı stated that international students coming from various countries and studying at the university add value to the university and culturally enrich the university, and with the awareness of this, they have been in constant communication with the guest students since the day they took office: ‘You are entrusted to us by your families. Our biggest goal is to raise you in the best way and serve your countries and humanity. You will contribute to the development of your country with the academic, social and cultural skills you have acquired here. As members of Atatürk University family, you will represent us all over the world as cultural ambassadors of Turkey. It is very important for us that you leave our city and our country satisfied. We are trying to provide you with every opportunity for this. Our main goal is to support your adaptation process and to enrich you with our differences. We are very happy to be together with you in order to reflect the change and development in our country to you and to open these values beyond our borders.’

‘Higher Education Council Vision Guides Us’

Rector Çomaklı stated that they organised the Eid programme with these feelings, thanked Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mehmet Sekmen for his contribution as the host and concluded his speech by emphasising that under the leadership of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and within the framework of the vision drawn by our Higher Education Council President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, they will continue to show maximum effort both in academic studies and in serving the society and to take steps that will mark the Turkish Century.

Rector Çomaklı, who listened to the problems, satisfaction and expectations of international students, celebrated Eid with the students and completed the programme by taking a souvenir photo.

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