Atatürk University


Joint Beekeeping Research Workshop, hosted by Bingöl University, was organized in cooperation with Atatürk University, Bingöl University and Gebze Technical University.

Bingöl University took place as a pilot university, and Atatürk and Gebze Technical Universities as research universities in the Beekeeping and Bee Products Joint Research Workshop organized with the planning of a “Next Generation Sustainable Development Model”.

Bingöl University Rector Prof. Dr. İbrahim Çapak, Gebze Technical University Rector Prof. Dr. Muhammed Hasan Aslan, Rectors of Istanbul, Sivas Cumhuriyet, Fırat, Batman, Muş Alparslan, Siirt, Gümüşhane and Munzur Universities were present at the workshop, besides Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı atending the workshop as honorary chairman.

 Making the opening speech at the workshop held at the Bingöl University Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı gave brief information to the guests about the New Generation University studies carried out at Atatürk University.

Rector Çomaklı said that the concept of the New Generation refers to the new approach, design and performance that will replace the existing technologies in the field of technology, adding that the need for a great transformation that has begun in the field of higher education in the world has started to be defined with this concept.

“A holistic meta-system was designed as a result of our work”

“In addition to the education and research duties of universities, it is foreseen that the new generation universities will be shaped within the framework of their mission to contribute to society, whether it is the definition of a third generation university that focuses on university-industry cooperation centered innovation or the definition of a fourth generation university that prioritizes regional development. Based on this universal foresight, Atatürk University has been carrying out the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project since February 4, 2018, in order to transform knowledge into value and improve research performance. Within the scope of the project, 17 search conferences were held, 181 from outside the University and 926 visionary people from within the University were invited to these conferences, and a Holistic Meta-System was designed that blends education, research and social contribution mission areas with a common mind. As a result of the applications, our university was accredited by YOKAK and became one of the Research Universities. In addition, the number of our publications and projects has increased by 50% in the last two years, while there were 13 patent applications in 2016, when we took office, this number has exceeded 250 in the current situation and many national and international patent registrations have been achieved." Çomaklı said.

Emphasizing that the holistic meta-system approach, designed to create a multiplier effect in higher education, aims to eliminate the inconsistencies experienced in transforming knowledge into value and improving research performance, Çomaklı noted that the workshop held with Gebze Technical and Bingöl universities was extremely important in this context.

“Beekeeping is an economically very important production area”

"Beekeeping, with low capital, but generating high income in a short time, is a production area that provides various products such as honey, royal jelly, pollen, beeswax, propolis, queen bee, swarm and never loses its importance in the world. The contribution of honey bees to plant production is much higher than the income obtained from bee products. Therefore, beekeeping production is not limited to honey, besides, by-products have been used in the health sector, especially in recent years, and produce significant added value. Therefore, beekeeping is a very important production area economically. In this respect, we are excited that all aspects of beekeeping will be discussed and concrete outputs will be produced in the workshop, which will be held with four sessions, a special session and various activities. I would like to thank all those who have contributed so far.” Çomaklı finished his words.

Panel Chair was Rector Çomaklı

After the opening speeches, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı is the chairman of the 1st session of the workshop on “The Role of Beekeeping in Sustainable Rural Development: Supports, Incentives Panel” Respectively the speakers are the Head of the Poultry and Beekeeping Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, İslam Köse with the topic "The Activities and Supports of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in the Beekeeping Sector", Head of the Investment Programs Monitoring and Evaluation Department of the Presidency Strategy and Budget Department, Mehmet Cem Fendoğlu with "Incentives and Supports in the Field of R&D", Ministry Counselor Dr. Ali Recep Nazlı, Head of the Eastern Anatolia Project (DAP) Regional Development Administration, with “Beekeeping in terms of Diversifying Farm Activities in Rural”, Eastern Anatolia Project (DAP) Regional Development Administration President Prof. Dr. Osman Demirdöğen with "DAP's Activities and Supports in the Beekeeping Sector", and the Secretary General of the Fırat Development Agency, Dr. AbdulvahapYoğunlu with “Activities and Supports of Fırat Development Agency in the Beekeeping Sector”

At the end of the day, Rector Çomaklı also participated in the special session on "Development and Specialization Program: Pilot and Research Universities Sharing Experience", exchanging ideas with other participants.


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