Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı made the last iftar program of Ramadan together with the managers of associations, foundations and non-governmental organizations in Erzurum.

Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı continues to share the iftar table. In this context, Rector Çomaklı came together with the President of Erzurum Civil Society Platform (ESTP) Mustafa Güven and the managers of associations, foundations and non-governmental organizations at Guest House 2, accompanied by the vice-rectors, deans, center directors and the general secretary of the University.

Rector Çomaklı, who came together for the 10th time with more than 200 NGO executives working to keep the cultural, artistic, scientific and wise values of the city alive, to develop them and to share them with large masses, visited his guests at their tables and talked with them for a while before the fast-breaking time.

Rector Çomaklı, who broke the iftar with his guests with the recitation of the Qur'an and then the call to prayer, gave a speech on the meaning of the day.

Güven: “The University's Doors Have Been Opened to the Community”

Starting his speech by expressing his pleasure to meet with the university administration after the pandemic, ESTP President Mustafa Güven stated that the university has come to these days from the days when it was thought to be disconnected from the city, and said that Erzurum is the winner from the city-university fusion. He noted that the doors of the University that were closed to the city have been opened to the public with Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı taking office. President Güven said that the 10th meeting took place today, noting that the University meets the society, and that NGOs are getting closer to the scientific world.  I would like to thank all the Atatürk University Family in the presence of Ömer Çomaklı, arranging the Iftar program and supporting all kinds of activities, and hope that the approaching Ramadan will be auspicious.”

Rector Çomaklı: “We Walked This Road Together”

Rector Çomaklı started his speech with the words "I would like to express my happiness to be together with you, respectful NGO representatives of our Erzurum, at our iftar table in these days when we are preparing to bid farewell to the blessed month of Ramadan, which travels through all seasons, bringing health to our bodies, peace to our hearts and abundance to our homes, and after which we will celebrate the Ramadan"  For a strong, prosperous Turkey, it is our joint responsibility, together with you, to raise a conscious, well-equipped generation and, in this context, to shape the society with new and real knowledge. We can only achieve success with common mind and consultation. We have been emphasizing this fact since the day we took the office. I can proudly say that our university, with its 2 thousand 700 academic staff and more than 550 thousand formal and open education students, serves Turkish higher education as a successful large research university. We walked this road with you. For this reason, we have made an effort to continue our work, knowing the importance and value of our university's cooperation with our NGOs.

“We Will Continue to Increase Our Joint Projects and Collaborations”

Çomaklı stated that they have to increase the relations between NGOs and academia in order to include the community and environmental opportunities of Atatürk University in the education-teaching processes. “In this context, we will provide all kinds of support to the organizations to be organized by you for our students. We will increase our contribution to the university society, public meeting with your presence. We believe that our very important and valuable cooperation has been renewed and strengthened once again on the occasion of this iftar. We are always ready to participate in and support the social responsibility projects of our NGOs with the relevant units of our university, with whom we will exchange views. We will continue to increase our joint projects and collaborations in the current academic year and thereafter. First, I would like to thank you for your participation and contributions, and I congratulate you on Eid al-Fitr with my most heartfelt feelings and wishes for well-being.”

Iftar program ended with mutual evaluations, questions, suggestions and wishes from the participants.


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