Atatürk University


Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the rector of Atatürk University, was in attendance at the 258th Interuniversity Board Meeting, which was presided over by Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, the president of the Council of Higher Education (YOK).

In addition to academics and university rectors, Interuniversity Board (ÜAK) Term President Prof. Dr. Veysel Eren attended the meeting in the capital city of Ankara. The meeting commenced with an update on ÜAK's research endeavors, associate professorship procedures, and the rationale behind forthcoming legislative modifications. Subsequently, agenda items were deliberated, the planned studies were examined, and strategies for the subsequent period were devised.

At the 258th meeting of the Interuniversity Board, an academic body established as a supra-university entity in accordance with Article 11 of the Higher Education Law, matters including preparing draft laws, statutes, and regulations pertaining to universities, ensuring academic coordination between universities, and addressing the needs of faculty members of universities were among the topics discussed. Additionally, numerous studies were conducted on the subjects of associate professorship and associate professorship application results. There were interviews conducted.

"We are determined to carry out our social responsibility," said Rector Çomaklı.

According to Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the meeting convened by the Council of Higher Education to foster collaboration, exchange of knowledge, and scholarly advancement among universities in our nation was highly fruitful. He elaborated as follows: "It is widely acknowledged that universities' primary responsibilities are to advance scientific knowledge, education, and social service. We, as Atatürk University, are actively striving to make strides in these domains. We are resolute in our commitment to furnishing our students with a high-caliber education, bolstering research endeavors, and carrying out our social obligation. We have accelerated our efforts to address the concerns raised during the meeting by our YOK president Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar."

Advocating for the ongoing pursuit of national interests within the Council of Higher Education, Rector Çomaklı stated: "Our collective endeavors have fostered a sense of unity, and the satisfaction derived from acknowledging our national obligations continues to inspire and fortify us in our pursuits. Our conviction is that through collaborative efforts, we can further enhance the scientific prowess of our nation. I would like to extend my sincere aspirations that the resolutions reached during the 258th Interuniversity Board Meeting will prove advantageous to our nation and country. In this regard, I extend my gratitude to all the universities that participated and provided support, as well as to the esteemed YOK members, led by our president, Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, who played a pivotal role in coordinating the meeting.

The meeting concluded with a discussion of the items on the agenda as well as the board members' opinions and suggestions regarding the items that had been determined.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – May 9, 2024
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