Atatürk University


The 250th meeting of the Inter-University Board Presidency (ÜAK), which started with the opening speech of Higher Education Council (YÖK) President Prof. Dr M. A. Yekta Saraç, was held with the participation of the General Assembly Members.

The 250th term meeting of the Presidency of the Interuniversity Board, to which nearly 200 universities are affiliated, was held online by video conferencing within the scope of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) measures experienced globally.

At the meeting where the education, training, scientific research and publishing activities and applications of the universities were evaluated, the participants exchanged ideas on various topics by offering scientific and academic suggestions to YÖK and universities.

After the meeting, the Inter-University Board Presidency, who came together to determine their new members, re-elected Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr Ömer Çomaklı to the Inter-University Board Presidency as a Board Membership.

Rector Çomaklı, expressing his pleasure for being elected as a member of the Board of Directors of ÜAK, said: "I would like to thank the valuable Rectors of the universities and the representatives of the Inter-University Board for their appreciation."

The Inter-University Board Presidency, which is responsible for ensuring academic coordination between universities, taking measures to meet the academic needs of the universities, and preparing the same regulations as the laws and regulations that concern all universities, conducts studies as an academic institution above universities.

New and Re-elected Members of the Board of ÜAK:

1 - Science and Engineering Field:

- Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇOMAKLI: Rector of Atatürk University

- Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZKAN: Rector of Boğaziçi University

- Prof. Dr. Abdullah ATALAR: Rector of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University

2 - Health Sciences Area:

- Prof. Dr Erkan İBİŞ: Rector of Ankara University

- Prof. Dr Kutbeddin DEMİRBAĞ: Rector of Fırat University

- Prof. Dr Ahmet ÇAMSARI: Rector of Mersin University

3 - Social Sciences Area:

- Prof. Dr Hüseyin KARAMAN: Rector of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University

- Prof. Dr Mahmut AK: Rector of Istanbul University

- Prof. Dr Yadigar İZMİRLİ: Rector of Istanbul Aydın University

4 - Fine Arts Area:

- Prof. Dr Erol PARLAK: Rector of Ankara Music and Fine Arts University


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