Atatürk University


Following his visits to Poland and Lithuania, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı returned home with the objective of furthering the university's internationalisation, enhancing its visibility and recognition, and promoting academic mobility.

During his visits, Rector Çomaklı engaged in discussions with the administrations of several universities, including Lublin Medical University, Lublin Technical University, Warsaw University of Technology, Vilnius University, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, and Vilnius Technical University. Cooperation agreements were also signed between these institutions.

According to Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, agreements covering cooperation in diverse domains, including academic and student exchange programmes, joint research projects, and scientific publications, were executed in accordance with the signed protocols. He further asserted, "These agreements, which we have entered into with renowned universities in Poland and Lithuania, shall augment the stature of Atatürk University on the global stage and furnish our students with novel prospects." These collaborative efforts will foster greater scientific inquiry and cultural exchange.

"Collaborations Provide Opportunities for Education and Research," says Rector Çomaklı.

Rector Çomaklı asserted that the establishment of this novel dialogue channel would augment the scientific network of Atatürk University and foster greater academic diversity. Further, he stated that through the interaction of scholars and students with diverse cultures, this partnership agreement will enable them to develop an international outlook. These visits and cooperation agreements, which are in accordance with Atatürk University's internationalisation strategy, are intended to facilitate the provision of additional international opportunities.

Significant progress has been made in the development of academic cooperation with both nations, according to the rector, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomakl, who further stated that these agreements will benefit not only the academic community but also the bilateral relationship characterised by friendship and cooperation.

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