Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu started his unit visits with the Faculties of Medicine and Law.
In these visits, which were initiated in order to strengthen the communication between the university administration and faculties, to listen directly to the demands of academic and administrative staff and to create common sense, the current situation and future goals of the university were discussed comprehensively. Rector Hacımüftüoğlu, who met with faculty administrators, academic and administrative staff, explained the new term vision of the university administration and drew attention to the role of all units in the realisation of this vision. During the visits, topics such as increasing the academic success of faculties, ensuring student satisfaction, improving physical infrastructure and establishing new collaborations for projects were discussed.

‘Our Goal is a Stronger Atatürk University’
Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu stated that they have prepared a strategic road map for the university to become a more competitive and internationally recognised institution. Stating that as soon as they took office, they carried out a comprehensive study to determine the needs and priorities, Hacımüftüoğlu made the following evaluations: ‘While carrying the strengths of our university even further, we will quickly improve the areas we see as deficient. The contribution of each of our units is of great importance in this process. We will examine successful practices at home and abroad and integrate them into Atatürk University. We will strengthen our research and development activities, especially by inviting internationally recognised scientists to our university. By sending our own scientists abroad, we aim to both increase academic cooperation and rapidly adapt to new technologies.’

Full Support for Scientific Research
Emphasising that they will take important steps to strengthen the scientific infrastructure of the university, Hacımüftüoğlu announced that they have expanded the budget of the Scientific Research Projects (BAP) Coordination Unit. He stated that thanks to this budget, projects that will produce solutions to the problems of Erzurum and the region, as well as studies of strategic importance throughout the country will be prioritised. Hacımüftüoğlu stated that academicians will be supported in all kinds of scientific activities and all necessary opportunities will be provided to increase scientific productivity.

‘Success will come by working together’
In his speech, Rector Hacımüftüoğlu also emphasised the importance of a happy and productive working environment. Stating that the success of the university will be possible with the contribution of all its members, Hacımüftüoğlu said: ‘We will take the necessary steps for each of our members to work happier and more efficiently. In this direction, it is our priority to meet the needs of both academic and administrative staff. By working together, we will carry Atatürk University to a more advanced point.’

Visits Will Continue
Following the Faculties of Medicine and Law, similar meetings will be held with other faculties and units. The visits, in which the questions of academic and administrative staff are answered and their suggestions and requests are evaluated, are aimed to strengthen the consultation culture throughout the university.
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