Atatürk University


Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, Rector of Atatürk University, paid a visit to Hınıs Vocational School and had meetings with the school's administration and professors.

Rector Hacımüftüoğlu visited Hınıs Vocational School and conducted inspections across the whole institution, with a focus on the dining hall, laboratories, and classrooms. He started the search for common sense in accordance with the culture of consultation and increased his efforts in this direction. After receiving information on the work completed from Prof. Dr. Harun Güney, the director of the vocational school, Rector Hacımüftüoğlu reviewed the arrangements for the 2024–2025 academic year.

Prof. Dr. Hacımüftüoğlu remarked that the vocational school's existence is crucial for Hınıs and its geography, and that all possible help would be provided by the administration to address the shortcomings in the institution.

"Hınıs Vocational School plays a leading role in the development of its region"

Rector Hacımüftüoğlu: "Hınıs Vocational School will remain the hub of education as students from the neighbouring provinces and area migrate there, putting it in a prime position due to its high student enrolment, academic variety, and value addition to its surrounds. Our vocational school plays a major part in regional development by bringing in money for the district and producing successful students by educating them for the sectors that our nation needs and doing academic research in various subjects. With its student-focused courses, Hınıs Vocational School has been successful, and its quotas are filled for the next term. I hope the new term is successful and wish all academic and administrative staff under the direction of Prof. Dr. Harun Güney, the director of Hınıs Vocational School, ease."

Following the inspections, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harun Güney gave Rector Hacımüftüoğlu a presentation on the vocational school's operations and stated: "Our university administration provides all the support we require for the development, growth, and training of qualified students of Hınıs Vocational School." Here, we collaborate with the members of our administrative and academic personnel. Success follows from this equilibrium. I would like to express my gratitude to our Rector, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, for his gracious visit and genuine interest. I extend my best wishes to him as he begins his new responsibilities.

Directorate of Corporate Communications - August 26, 2024
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