Atatürk University


In the breakfast program organized by Erzurum Culture and Education Foundation (EKEV), the Rector of Atatürk University Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı made assessments of the city and the agenda.To contribute to the culture of consultation and to strengthen the bridge of communication established with the stakeholders of the city, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı was a guest of Erzurum culture and Education Foundation (EKEV). In the breakfast program, which includes the vice rector, the rector advisor and the unit and office coordinators, the delegation will be joined by Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sert met with the board of Trustees, the administrators and administrators of Güneş College.For the development and progress of Erzurum, which embodies its historical heritage and an ancient culture, EKEV shared the outputs of the "future of Erzurum" Search Conference, which was held recently with a participation of 120 people. Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı conveyed to the audience the project proposals realized in many areas from health sector to tourism, agriculture and animal husbandry to business world."Projects Designed Can Only Achieve Results In A Common Spirit”Çomaklı underlined that they attach importance to integration with the society, which is one of the requirements of the New Generation University: "Our university has important works for industry, agriculture, trade and cultural activities to be beneficial to the society and to convert knowledge into value. Through this, we are in constant communication with both the community and various sectors. The development of our city will take place with the university-community meeting. As an entrepreneurial university, you are our most important stakeholders. We must act with this awareness and take the necessary steps together for the development of our city.”President Çomaklı expressed that the works and projects designed for the future of the city can be achieved with a common spirit and maximum effort, and thanked the Ekev administration for their hospitality and wished them success in their work.Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sert thanked Rector Ömer Çomakli for his close attention to non-governmental organizations and associations and foundations and stated that they followed the work of Atatürk University closely and that the University-NGO meetings pleased them very much and wished them success.CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORATE
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25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
Faculty of Open and Distance Education: +90 850 255 0282
Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
Clinical Dentistry: +90 442 236 0944

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