Atatürk University


Prof. Dr. Mehmet Günay, president of the Turkish University Sports Federation (TSUF), paid Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı a visit to congratulate him on Atatürk University's athletic successes. Prof. Dr. Necip Fazıl Kishalı, dean of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, and the management team also participated in the visit.

Prof. Dr. Günay, who paid Atatürk University a celebratory visit for ranking first among 208 universities in the Gold Medal Distribution amongst Universities for the 2021-2022 Period, congratulated Rector Çomaklı on the university's recent athletic successes.

President Günay: "The athletic accomplishments of Atatürk University students are astounding."

Atatürk University, which has received several awards for its academic and scientific breakthroughs and projects, has demonstrated these accomplishments; it continues its efforts in the social, cultural, artistic, and athletic spheres without interruption. The medals won in both individual and team sports by students from nearly every department are admired around the nation, particularly in Erzurum. In this context, Günay congratulated the Atatürk University family, which is at the top of the 2021-2022 Period Inter-University Medal Distribution; he stated that the athletes who won 29 Gold, 16 Silver, and 23 Bronze medals and placed on the podium with a total of 68 medals achieved a significant accomplishment. Günay stated that they are pleased to see that universities support their students who want to participate in sports and competitions with this awareness, and that Atatürk University is one of them, and that the steps taken have been rewarded with medals. He emphasized that sports play a key role in the personal development of students.

Günay stated that Erzurum is a true sports city and the center of winter sports, adding, "In this regard, we also place a high value on this city. The Winter Sports Championship that we will hold in Erzurum in February will be a magnificent event. We get strength from Atatürk University's existence. In light of these considerations, I congratulate the whole Atatürk University family in the presence of Rector Çomaklı on their gold medal victory and support for sports and sportsmen, and I wish them continuing success."

Rector Çomakl: "We Encourage Our Students to Engage in Sports."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı remarked that academic successes are strongly tied to achievements in social life, and that the best method to maintain motivation in higher education is via achievements in athletics, the arts, and social life. He mentioned that one of the goals of the University Design and Transformation Project is to encourage students to engage in social activities. Noting that they have accomplished this, Çomaklı stated that the number of medals won in recent years is the most concrete indicator of this, and added: "We encourage our students to participate not only in scientific studies, but also in artistic and athletic activities, particularly in social responsibility projects. We are always supportive of all of our students who compete in national and international competitions, and we are delighted and happy when they raise the Turkish flag with their victories. We will now continue to help our students in all fields. I would want to thank TSUF President Prof. Dr. Mehmet Günay and congratulate him for his efforts to the country's sports by paying him a visit and sending these thoughts and congratulations, respectively.

The visit ended with TSUF President Prof. Dr. Mehmet Günay presenting Rector Çomaklı with a congratulations plaque.

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