Atatürk University


Alaca Martyrdom, which is the eternal resting place of those who were martyred by Armenian persecution in Erzurum, was visited by the students and teachers of Atatürk University Süheyla Sıtkı Alp Private Science and Anatolian High School.

Martyrs Commemorated with Prayers

This year, as every year, voices were raised from all over the world for Turkey to recognise the so-called Armenian genocide. A response to these baseless allegations came from Atatürk University Süheyla Sıtkı Alp Private Science and Anatolian High School. 105 years ago, the bloody Armenian-Tashnak gangs entered Alaca on the night of 9-10 March and burned 278 people, mostly women, children and old people, in haystacks after turning the village into ruins in a short time.

Students were informed about the Armenian Genocide Lie

Erdal Karagülle, General Manager of Atatürk University Development Foundation, stated that this issue has been kept on the agenda for years by imperialist states in order to corner Turkey in the world political arena and to prepare the ground for the realisation of their political ambitions: "As Ataturk University Süheyla Sıtkı Alp Private Science and Anatolian High School, we are here to inform our students against the genocide slander that the Armenian Diaspoara is trying to slander the Turkish nation. Our students, who feel the love of homeland and nation in their hearts, protect their ancestors and their glorious history."

Karagülle mentioned that the relocation and resettlement policy, which became compulsory for the Armenians living in the Turkish homeland, was a justified and justified practice with an overriding humanitarian aspect in every aspect, considering the period and conditions in which the event took place; Although the Armenians killed a large number of Turks, it was stated that although it was included in the official documents of that period, the world public opinion ignored these actual documents and took the sources that could not be used in scientific works for political purposes, and this attitude proved that Turkey was right.

The programme ended with the speech of educator-writer Abdurrahman Zeynel on the meaning of the day and then the commemoration of the martyrs.

Rector Çomaklı: "Our University has undersigned studies that refute the allegations"

Ataturk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı stated that every April 24, some people, groups and various countries are in a race to accuse Turkey and that Armenians have been keeping genocide allegations on the agenda with the guidance of western states since the past.

Rector Çomaklı stated that the studies carried out both by Atatürk University Turkish-Armenian Relations Research Centre and other institutions have fundamentally refuted these allegations, on the contrary, as a result of the research conducted in the region, it has been revealed that Armenians persecuted the people of the region, but they continue these allegations politically rather than on scientific grounds: "Our citizens who witnessed these dates, when we experienced the most painful events of our history, are our most important witnesses who experienced this atrocity. In addition to these, mass graves are another important proof of the persecution. Between 1914 and 1922, 518 thousand Muslim Turks were killed by Armenian gangs in these lands. Documents are available for all of them. The Armenian Diaspora, which is aware of this, is constantly trying to justify itself by keeping the event on political grounds, but no matter what they do, they will never be able to destroy the facts. As Atatürk University, our struggle on this issue will continue until the end."

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