Atatürk University


‘Land Registry Heritage: Erzurum Land Registry Portraits between 1923-1929’ exhibition was organised by Atatürk University.

The opening of the exhibition titled ‘TAPU LEGACY: Erzurum Land Registry Portraits between 1923-1929’, prepared by Lecturer Ayşe Özdemir and consisting of photographs of personalities who lived in Erzurum, was organised by the Rectorate of Atatürk University: Erzurum Land Registry Portraits between 1923-1929’ exhibition was opened at Erzurum Museum.

In addition to Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, 9th Corps and Garrison Commander Major General Tevfik Algan, Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mehmet Akarsu, university members, public institution administrators, representatives of non-governmental organisations and many citizens attended the ceremony.

Lecturer Özdemir ‘We wanted to show that title deed records are not just an official document’

Making the opening speech of the programme, Lect. Lecturer. Ayşe Özdemir said that she believes that the exhibition, which was prepared by making use of the photographs in the land registry records between 1923-1929, the first years of the Republic, will be useful in order to keep the memory of the city alive.

Stating that the photographs in the exhibition open a concrete window to the past by reflecting the faces, clothing styles, postures and moods of the people of that period, Özdemir said: ‘In fact, with this exhibition, we wanted to emphasise that land registry records are not only an official document, but also a valuable historical and artistic source. I would like to express my gratitude to our Rector for his support in the realisation of our exhibition. I would also like to thank my curator friends and Erzurum City Theatre who contributed to the creation of our exhibition, which we prepared as a result of an intensive and meticulous work. Finally, I would like to thank you all for being with us in this special exhibition, for making this exhibition more meaningful, and I wish you a pleasant viewing.’

Rector Çomaklı: ‘The Value Our University Gives to Art and Culture Continues to Increase’

Rector Çomaklı started his speech by saying ‘We are pleased to be organising such a valuable event under the auspices of our university’: ‘Today, I am very pleased to share with you once again the value our university attaches to art and culture. While our university has undertaken an important mission in the field of education and research since its establishment, it has always emphasised the importance of art and culture. Artistic and cultural activities not only contribute to the personal development of our students and staff, but also help them grow as individuals who are sensitive to society and the environment. This exhibition is a reflection of the valuable mission of our university and is an important step to emphasise the power of art. Lecturer who prepared our exhibition. Lecturer Ayşe Özdemir and all the friends who contributed, and I hope that our exhibition will remain as a pleasant memory.’

Governor Çiftçi ‘Culture is the Foundation of the Republic of Turkey’

Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, who expressed his pleasure to be together with art lovers in such an important place where Erzurum's history takes place, said that this meaningful exhibition, which was organised in the light of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's quote ‘The Foundation of the Republic of Turkey is Culture’, which is located behind the rostrum, was instrumental in gaining information about the personalities living in the past. Pointing out that art, culture and history are important elements that make a nation a nation, Governor Çiftçi said: ‘I find it valuable in terms of having an idea about the period in which the people in this exhibition organised today lived, to comprehend the change and transformation experienced and to remember our elders with mercy again, and I congratulate everyone who contributed, especially Lecturer Ayşe Özdemir, who prepared the exhibition.’

The exhibition, which was opened after the speeches, will host art lovers at Erzurum Museum for 3 days.


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