Atatürk University


Within the scope of Youth Projects Support Program 2019-1, the "10 Village School Fraternity" project for village schools affiliated to Tortum National Education Directorate was carried out by the "Entrepreneurial Youth and Career Club" formed by Atatürk University Tortum Vocational School students.

Within the scope of the social awareness project carried out byTortum Vocational School Director Dr. Hayrunnisa Mazlumoğlu and  its member, "Zero Waste Education" was given to village children who were educated in disadvantaged areas, thus contributing to the environmental awareness of children. Carried out interior design; As a result of the exhibition of infographics and works created from waste materials, the presence of interesting and evocative figures and the zero waste theme became remarkable and permanent.

After the theoretical training given in the project, in the workshop "I Paint My Waste Monsters", where a visual work took place, the little students shared their impressions and experiences of the activity they did with written and visual works on paper. The outputs were featured in the "Education is Life" photo exhibition and the project promotion magazine.

“The Village School Students Integrate with the Community with the Project”

Stating that the cultural and artistic accumulation of the little village school students was increased and their integration with the society was ensured with the exhibitions and workshops held, the academic advisor of the project, Dr.  Member Hayrunnisa Mazlumoğlu said that the project was successful.

Mazlumoğlu: In the process of producing products for the "Education is Life Photography Exhibition" and "Refined Wastes Exhibition", which are under the title of "Project activities," with the contribution of the Design Department faculty members, the cultural and artistic development of the university students is ensured to create products for students, bring their products together and exhibit them. and competition opportunities. The young people's voluntary organization and management of work packages throughout the entire process of the project and their actual participation in these work packages facilitated the course of our project.  Who did not spare his support in the realization of our project? I would like to thank Ömer Çomaklı Atatürk University Rector and my teammates for their efforts.”

“Atatürk University Has Become a Brand in Social Awareness Projects”

Stating that with the 10 Village School Brotherhood Project, an awareness has been provided in order to prevent environmental pollution, which has become an increasing threat in the developing and changing world conditions, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı said that it is also important to explain this issue especially to children who are saplings.

Emphasizing that Atatürk University, which has become a brand in social awareness projects, always supports such projects that take care of social benefit, Rector Çomaklı congratulated Atatürk University students who voluntarily participated in the project and said: exhibited a behavior. Our youth, who have universal and human values, adhere to national and moral values, respect the environment, have knowledge and self-confidence, are active, entrepreneurial, have a high sense of social belonging, actively participate in social life and can compete with their peers in the international arena, have always made us proud.

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