Atatürk University


Ataturk University Vaccine Antigen Preparation and Production Coordinator of the "Covidien against 19-Expression System Using Two Different Vaccine Development" project for Turkey from Erzurum Institutes of Health (TÜSEB) Chairman Prof. Dr. Erhan Akdoğan met with Rector Çomaklı and exchanged views on the process.

Prof.  Dr. Erhan Akdoğan, President of TÜSEB, who was the guest of Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, received information about the vaccination studies and projects carried out.

Expressing his satisfaction with the visit, Rector Çomaklı stated that they have carried out important studies with the well-equipped infrastructure of Atatürk University and competent academicians in their field and that the process has been progressing positively in the vaccination studies carried out within the university with the support of TÜSEB. Çomaklı, who shared information about the ongoing scientific and academic studies at Atatürk University, said that successful results were obtained in a short time with the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, which was introduced within the scope of the New YÖK vision.

Thanking President Akdoğan for his support of TÜSEB's vaccination studies, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı added that he sincerely believes that they will share positive news on the subject with the public as soon as possible.

"We Benefit From the Knowledge and Experience of Atatürk University"

Stating that they benefit from the knowledge and experience of this educational institution, which is in an important position for its region and country like Atatürk University, Prof. Dr. Erhan Akdoğan said that as TÜSEB, they are speeding up their vaccination studies in order for our country to get rid of this epidemic as soon as possible. Stating that they provide all financial and moral support to the centers assigned to carry out the necessary studies, Akdoğan said that Atatürk University can play an active role in vaccinating the whole country.

Thanking Rector Çomaklı for his hospitality, TÜSEB President Akdoğan wished success and convenience to academic and administrative staff, especially healthcare professionals, who strive to do their part in this difficult process devotedly.

After the visit, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Under the presidency of Selahattin Çelebi, Veterinary Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Yavuz Selim Sağlam, Project Development and Coordination Office Coordinator Prof. Dr. Hasan Özdemir, and TÜSEB President Prof. Dr. Erhan Akdoğan received information about the "Vaccine Development Using Two Different Expression Systems Against Covid-19" project and made recommendations about the future process.

Prof. Dr. Akdoğan's visit to Atatürk University; It ended with a tour of the Faculty of Medicine, Eastern Anatolia High Technology Application and Research Center (DAYTAM) and laboratories where vaccine studies were carried out.

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