Atatürk University


Scientists from the United States and the Russian Federation visited Atatürk University Prof. Dr. Rector Ömer Çomaklı to collaborate on research with Turkish scientists at the Biodiversity Science Museum, which is located within the Atatürk University Biodiversity Application and Research Center.

Dr. Sci. Alexander Konstantinov from the US Smithsonian Institute National Museum of Natural History (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute, Washington), Dr. Sci. Mark Volkovich from the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg), and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dorofeev from the Botany Institute (Komarov Botanical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg) were part of the project team, which included Prof. Dr. Levent Gültekin, the founding director of the Biodiversity Science Museum, and Assoc. Prof. Neslihan Gültekin, a faculty member of the Department of Plant Protection at Iğdır University, Faculty of Agriculture. The group consisted of 40 individuals. For one day, they will engage in taxonomic investigation and nature studies regarding biodiversity.

World Literature Discovers the Existence of a New Species

In this context, the guest scientists who collaborated with Rector Prof. Dr. Çomaklı discussed the research they conducted and reported that they identified a number of new species for Turkey's fauna and flora and the global literature as a result of their nature research and collection examinations during their visit. 40 locations from Hakkari to Bursa Uludağ were examined by taxonomist scientists, who underscored the fact that biodiversity is under anthropogenic pressure and that species should be identified as soon as feasible to prevent their extinction.

The Atatürk University Biodiversity Science Museum is expected to play a significant role in the discovery and identification of species, as well as the transfer of information to society for the protection of biodiversity. Scientists have stated that Turkey is one of the most species-rich regions in the world. They also expressed their gratitude to Rector Çomaklı for his significant support and hospitality to the museum project.

"Our doors are perpetually open to scientists who arrive as researchers."

Rector Çomaklı expressed gratitude to his visitors for their attendance and discussed the initiatives implemented at Atatürk University in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the International Convention on Biodiversity.

Rector Çomaklı: "We have implemented the Biodiversity Application and Research Center and Biodiversity Science Museum project as a consequence of the comprehensive projects we have been conducting for the past five years to scientifically analyze and safeguard our country's biodiversity. We are of the opinion that these projects are a critical necessity for our country." In the near future, we plan to officially inaugurate our research center with the presence of our dignitaries. This center has become a hub of attraction where science intersects with society, featuring modern laboratories, scientific collections of over a quarter million, international scientific exhibitions, and interactive education units. We welcome scientists from a variety of scientific centers around the globe to visit Atatürk University as researchers. Our doors are always open. "We will continue to provide the necessary support to all kinds of studies that will contribute to the scientific and academic community," according to him.

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