Atatürk University


Organized online (online) by Atatürk University Faculty of Architecture and Design, the International (Bio)Climate Change Symposium has turned into a scientific event where more than 100 papers were presented and world-renowned scientists in their fields took part as key speakers.

Commenting on the subject, Symposium President and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design Prof. Dr. Süleyman Toy: “Climate change causes serious negative consequences in all branches of activity carried out by human beings, from health to water and food security, from urban infrastructure to economic sectors. In this direction, it continues to be one of the hottest topics on the world agenda. Since our country is located in the Mediterranean Basin, it is among the countries that are expected to be more affected by climate change. We started to experience these effects like forest fires, floods, and floods. Decisions are taken at the national and global level, starting from the local, on adaptation to the effects of climate change and reducing the factors that cause it. Activities and environments where the results of scientific research on the subject are shared form the basis for these decisions. Therefore, the papers and key speeches presented at the International (Bio)Climate Change Symposium we held, on the one hand contributed to the decision-makers, on the other hand, they provided the opportunity to be informed about the latest developments regarding climate change and to increase their awareness levels. We are happy to bring together very valuable scientists from eight different countries of the world at our symposium and to be instrumental in benefiting both our academic staff and students.”

Rector Çomaklı: “As a University, We Made the Highest Possible Contribution to the Climate Council”

Speaking about the symposium, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı said: “The issue of climate change has become a current issue that determines the agenda of the world and affects economic and social development. We also closely follow the important steps taken by our country regarding climate change. Towards the end of 2021, the Paris Climate Agreement was enacted in our Assembly. Institutional arrangements were also made. Turkey's first Climate Council was held in February 2022, and we gave the highest possible contribution by assigning our academic staff and students working on the subject. As a requirement of the New Generation University Design Transformation process that we have adopted as a university and as a Research University, we conduct research and scientific studies in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including the issue of climate change. In addition, our new corporate governance system has made it easier for us to reduce the factors that cause climate change and adapt to the change. In this respect, it is extremely important for us that this symposium was held at our university. I would like to thank the key speakers who participated in the symposium, the researchers who presented the papers and the chairmen of the sessions. Considering that we are taking a step for the benefit of our country, which takes rapid steps on climate change, I would like to thank the administrators of our Faculty of Architecture and Design and our academic staff, who contributed to the organization of this symposium, for their efforts, and I wish the symposium outputs to be beneficial.”

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