Atatürk University


Mayor of Narman, Burhanettin Eser, visited Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı in his office to strengthen inter-institutional relations and exchange ideas about various collaborations. Mayor Eser was accompanied by Hüseyin Turgut Education Center Director, Prosecutor Faruk Mert, during his visit.
Expressing his satisfaction with the visit, Rector Çomaklı emphasized that, for the development of Erzurum together with the districts, all institutions have important duties, and that the works to be carried out in this direction should be done in cooperation.

“Our Colleges Contribute to the Development of Districts”

Rector Çomaklı, who started his remarks by drawing attention to the fact that Atatürk University has a vocational college in Narman, one of the important districts in Erzurum, stated that Narman colleges has carried out important works for the development and progress of the district.
Stating that he makes visits to the districts from time to time in order to strengthen the bond with the society besides scientific studies, Rector Çomaklı thanked Mayor Burhanettin Eser for their visits, saying that they always continue the communication  with the district governorships, mayors and all other stakeholders.
Emphasising that the existence of Atatürk University is an advantage for the district of Narman, Mayor Eser stated that they will meet on common ground for the city, and that they attach great importance to university-municipal cooperation, and wished success to the Rector Çomaklı and his team.
Following the visit, Rector Çomaklı shared information with Mayor Eser about the Eastern Anatolian Observatory (DAG), which is  planned to be completed by the end of the year.
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25240 Erzurum
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