Atatürk University


Atatürk University, which was accredited in 2021 within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Programme implemented by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) in order to improve the quality of higher education institutions and contribute to quality assurance, was re-accredited for 2 years.

In this context; At the ceremony held in the capital Ankara, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı received the Accreditation Certificate from Higher Education Council (YÖK) President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar and YÖKAK President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak.

Rector Çomaklı, who received the Institutional Accreditation Certificate at a ceremony held before the International Quality Assurance and Accreditation Conference at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Itri Congress and Culture Centre, was accompanied by Atatürk University Quality Coordinator Prof. Dr. Bilal Yılmaz and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Vedat Kaya.

Rector Çomaklı: ‘This Success Belongs to All University Members’

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, who made an evaluation on the subject, stated that they were entitled to receive Institutional Accreditation approval again for 2 years after the evaluation carried out by YÖKAK following the intensive work period spent with academic and administrative units under the leadership of the Quality Coordinatorship established within the scope of the New Generation Design and Transformation Project and stated that this success belongs to all university members.

Stating that they were accredited for 2 years as a result of the examination of indicators in the categories of institutional information, quality assurance, education, research, social contribution and management in different units of Atatürk University, Rector Çomaklı said that Atatürk University, with its competent scientists and advanced research infrastructure, has never been satisfied with the good and always strives to achieve better.

‘The Accuracy of the Steps We Have Taken Has Once Again Been Recognised’

‘Our university plans, implements, monitors, assesses the necessary activities in order to ensure continuous improvement in both quality improvement studies and Research University Performance Indicators and to make them sustainable, and continues its continuous improvement efforts to achieve better’, Rector Çomaklı continued his evaluation and also stated the following: ‘Our university sees quality improvement studies and improving Research University Performance Indicators as a way to better serve its country and nation. Our university, which continues its continuous improvement efforts uninterruptedly, was included in the YÖKAK Institutional Accreditation Programme in 2021. It was accredited for the second time after the evaluation programme carried out by independent evaluation teams based on the internal evaluation report of the institutions. With the re-accreditation of the quality education provided by our university, which has gained the status of Research University, the correctness of the steps it has taken has been confirmed. With these thoughts; I would like to thank and express my gratitude to our Higher Education Council President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar and YÖKAK President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak, who presented the accreditation certificate to us, and to the entire evaluation committee and all the valuable members of our university.’

YÖK President Özvar: ‘Universities are evaluated based on 14 criteria and 46 sub-criteria’

YÖK President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar started his speech by stating that they aim to increase the national/international contributions of universities in Turkey and their visibility in the world through the Institutional Accreditation Programme, which enables universities to be evaluated in quality assurance system, education and training, research and development, social contribution and administrative processes: ‘Within the scope of our external evaluation processes; our universities prepare a comprehensive report that reveals with evidence the stage they are at in terms of 14 criteria and 46 sub-criteria in the fields of Quality Assurance System, Education and Training, Research and Development, Social Contribution and Management System. Thus, self-recognition and evaluation of the institution is the most important stage of this process. Subsequently, evaluation teams consisting of 8 members, including students and foreign evaluators, formed by YÖKAK read these reports and hold intensive meetings among themselves to make a preliminary evaluation. Afterwards, the teams visit all units of the university by making preliminary visits and field visits remotely or face-to-face, meet with internal and external stakeholders, especially students, evaluate the status of the institution in the field and prepare a Feedback Report or Accreditation Report as a result. Finally, in the Institutional Accreditation Programme, the relevant commissions and boards of YÖKAK take this report into consideration and meet with the evaluation team to decide on ‘full accreditation’ or ‘conditional accreditation’ for universities. I would like to thank all our evaluators, especially our board members, students and foreign evaluators, who have experienced a very dynamic process and worked intensively at these stages.’

YÖKAK President Kocabıçak explained the advantages of institutional accreditation

In his speech, YÖKAK President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak gave information about the prominent aspects of a university with Institutional Accreditation compared to other universities. Kocabıçak said: ‘A higher education institution that has received an Institutional Accreditation certificate establishes the relevant mechanisms to ensure that it achieves the goals it promises to the public in its core areas of activity. Universities operate, monitor and improve a significant part of these mechanisms. The participation of all internal and external stakeholders is emphasised. Student feedback is particularly taken into account and reflected in decision-making processes. Curricula are systematically updated based on the requirements of the information age, changing student characteristics and student-centred learning approach. Efforts are made to continuously improve learning resources and faculty competences. The research competences of the institution are developed and social contribution activities are systematically addressed.’

The programme ended with the rectors of the accredited institutions receiving their certificates and taking a souvenir photo.

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