Atatürk University


The 2020 Meeting of the Veterinary Faculties Deans Council (VEFDEK) was hosted by Atatürk University.
To the opening of the meeting held at Guesthouse 1,in addition to  Atatürk University Rector.Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary  Prof. Dr. Hamza  Avcıoğlu and 28 faculty members representing 23 veterinary faculty from various universities in Turkey participated.
Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Prof.Dr.Hamza Avcıoğlu, who made the opening speech of the meeting.  stated that the veterinary profession has permanent problems that need to be solved, and drew attention to the fact that these meetings were very efficient in solving these problems.Stating that the meeting will start with the election of the chairman of the term and the formation of the executive board, Avcıoğlu said that they will seek ways to bring the Veterinary Faculties to a better point with the joint studies to be carried out.
Rector Prof.Dr. Ömer Çomaklı who started his speech by expressing his pleasure that the Council of Veterinary Faculties Deans Council Meeting was held at Atatürk University.  advised his guests not to go without knowing the ancient city of Erzurum closely.Rector Çomaklı, who said that Atatürk University is carrying out the Design and Transformation Project with the vision of the New Generation University, stated that Atatürk University has gained a new road map in the fields of education, research and social contribution.
“We Assigned Important Roles to Our Veterinary Faculty”
Rector Çomaklı: “While carrying out activities for these purposes as a university, we observed that great importance should be attached to the Veterinary Medicine profession, which has an education experience of about two centuries in our country.Therefore, we assigned important roles to the Veterinary Faculty in the Design and Transformation project and we expected them to carry out the activities ”.
Emphasizing that the establishment of a Veterinary Faculty with international standards and training continuity is very important for the training of equipped veterinarians today, Çomaklı said: “The training and services of veterinary medicine at universities, laboratories and research centers, which have become widespread in recent years, did not find a complete response in the legislation.I expect the problems determined, especially the elimination of these deficiencies, to be resolved urgently by this committee, and I wish that the meeting will be productive by stating that I am with you in the duties that I have to my Faculty of Veterinary, my university and my side. ”
In the following part of the meeting, the Council of Veterinary Faculties Deans Council (VEFDEK) Directive on the Establishment and Operation of VEFDEK was determined and the new term Executive Board and VEFDEK Term President was elected.Accordingly, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary of Erciyes University Professor. Dr. Abdullah İnci was elected as the term chairman.

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