Atatürk University


Ataturk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı released a message on the celebration of March 8, International Women's Day. In his message, Rector Çomaklı expressed:

The world is an order having two poles. Men and women, who are compatible with each other and complement of themselves instead of being opposite sides destroying each other, raise new generations who are the owners of the future.

Even though women have often been wronged, devalued, and ignored in history, women are emphasized and given value in the Islamic tenet.

Today, although the treatment they are exposed is not the way they deserve, our women, who are a sacred trust that our beloved Prophet emphasized in his Farewell Sermon and that Ghazi Mustafa Kemal handed over his rights earlier than many world states, have an important mission in the construction of the future.

Celebrating March 8, International Women's Day, I wish all our women a healthy and peaceful world where they are not subjected to violence and live their rights and freedoms under their own control.

Prof. Dr. Omer COMAKLI
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