Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, who maintained meeting and exchanging ideas with internal and external stakeholders, met with the management and members of the Anatolian Participant Businessmen Association (AKİD) and consulted to develop university-community cooperation in this context.

Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, who continued his weekend visits to strengthen the communication bridge with the city's public institution managers, the representatives of NGOs, foundations, associations and industry world, was accompanied by vice rector, rector advisor and the coordinators of the units and offices.

“We  work in harmony with all of our stakeholders”

Rector Çomaklı pointed out that the university-community collaboration, which is one of the most important projects within the scope of the New Generation University mission of Atatürk University, continues at full speed, emphasizing that Atatürk University is in contact with all the industrialists that address the city and the region. Rector Çomaklı stated that the university carried out all its works in accordance with the New YÖK system and pointed out that the university-community meeting significantly contributed to the development of the city, region and country.

Rector Çomaklı who stated that they frequently hold these and similar discussions to bring business people together with academics and to collaborate with the Project Office and Teknokent, shared information on various topics with AKİD members about the work carried out within Atatürk University.

Stating that these associations are of great importance for the environmental and regional development, especially in Erzurum, Çomaklı said: “We make an effort to ensure that our university works in harmony with all stakeholders. We have provided all kinds of convenience to the business world in terms of consultancy support and infrastructure facilities. Our doors are open to everyone with an idea. We completely support all steps to be taken towards domestic and national technology moves. In this context, we came together today to take our meetings with the members of AKİD one step forward. I would like to thank those who contributed to the program, which I hope will help to establish collaborations. ”

President  Gözeler Provided Information on AKİD

Providing information about the activities of the association, Anadolu Participant Businessmen Association (AKİD) President M. Zeki Gözeler talked about the importance of Atatürk University for Erzurum. Stating that university-industry cooperation is one of the most important parts of the New Generation University vision initiated under the leadership of Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, Gözeler stated that they wanted to be in continuous cooperation with Atatürk University, which had been serving the higher education of the country for more than 60 years and had a significant scientific and academic background. He said that the important steps were taken in this context.

The visit ended with the discussion of the proposals of AKİD members to be included in the projects realized by Atatürk University.


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