Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Library started its activities in the academic year 1958-59 in order to support education and research activities and to meet the needs of information and documents for the needs of academics and students in Erzurum Maturation Institute building (Poet Nef'i Secondary School).
Thanks to the catalog studies carried out by Assoc. Dr. H. Adnan Erzi and librarian Prof. Dr. Arthur J. Vennix, our library came into use with 12 thousand books, most of which were donated and it was also moved to its current building on the campus in 1970.
Our library, which has gained the identity of a reference library across the country thanks to the current resource purchases done at certain periods and shelf length, offers 600 users the opportunity to work in 7350 m² closed area.
By 2021 (January); Our library, which includes 253356 printed books, 210.000 e-books, 4458 various magazines, more than 1.500.000 online e-theses, national newspaper between 1970-2013 and local newspaper between 1954-1990, has 7 halls and 6 sections.
Halls : Rıfkı Salim Burçak, M.Seyfettin Özege, Ziyaeddin Fahri Fındıkoğlu, M. Muhtar Karahanoğlu, Language and Literature, Reference Books, Theses Center
Departments: Rare Books,Periodicals, Autotype Manuscripts, Audiovisual Resources, Archive and Erzurum Information Resources
In our library, there are computers/internet, canteen, cafeteria and copy room, and thanks to the terminal computers at the entrance students can scan the catalog quickly and they can also borrow or return books with the help of self-check machine without waiting in the queues and needing anyone. Besides, information resources that are not present in the library may be obtained from other libraries with the protocols such as Interlibrary Loan Tracking System (KITS) -ILL (Inter Library Loan) and Turkey Document Delivery and Loan System (TÜBESS). (This service can be used by the academics of our university, as well as PhD and graduate students).
Our library serves with an open shelf system and our students can borrow books if they want (First degree reference sources such as reference books, theses, periodicals, rare works cannot be borrowed).
Books can be borrowed;
5 books (30 days) for academics and other staff,
5 books (30 days) for PhD students,
5 books (21 days) for graduate students,
3 books (15 days) for undergraduate and associate degree students
Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Library Reading Room
Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Library Reading Room, on the other hand, does not contain any information sources and it serves as a reading hall in a separate place (behind Student Affairs - Opposite to the dormitories for female students)
Our reading room, which was founded in an area of 7.715 m2, serves 800 people with full capacity. Our reading room, which gives the opportunity to study individually or in groups, also has a canteen founded by Atatürk University Foundation that serves hot and cold drinks and snacks with affordable prices. Click here to contact us.